
For Hidden Door, we embarked on an immersive journey to shed light on mental health issues through our creation, Precious. Working with spoken word poet Alabaster De Plume and folk artist Pantovola, the story of Bragi emerged, intertwining poetry and imagery to create a subtle yet profound exploration of mental health. Blending visual art and film installation, we captivated audiences with the poignant tale of Bragi, a melancholic young man whose tear-like pearls are collected by the mysterious Precious.

Set within a dimly lit environment adorned with hand-painted lines from the film, our installation invited introspection and contemplation. Visitors were enveloped in a tranquil atmosphere, immersing themselves in Bragi's intimate journey. Using projection mapping techniques, we seamlessly integrated the stop-motion animation film into the space, with the full moon casting its ethereal glow amidst the folds of material.

Driven by a shared commitment to raising awareness, The Joshua Nolan Foundation joined forces with us to create an immersive experience that transcended mere storytelling. Drawing inspiration from personal accounts and conversations with those affected by suicide and depression, we delved deep into the human experience, crafting a narrative that resonated on multiple levels.

Drawing visitors back

Our installation became a focal point at Hidden Door Festival, drawing visitors back repeatedly and earning acclaim with a four-star review from the Scotsman.

It sparked conversations, ignited empathy and left a lasting impression on all who experienced it, leaving them with questions to ponder long after they departed.


Hidden Door

Chris Scott

Folk Artist

Music & Poetry
Alabaster De Plum

Creative Technologists
Bright Side Studios

Video Artists
Bright Side Studios