LAGG Distillery, Arran Waters

For centuries, the small communities of Arran resorted to crafty means to boost their income, clandestinely distilling their own spirit in makeshift stills. This covert operation birthed what would be famously known as 'Arran Waters', a prized whisky covertly transported from Lagg and peddled across mainland Scotland. Thrilled by the opportunity to pay homage to this rich heritage, we produced a specialist film for an immersive projection and animated environment as part of the LAGG Distillery visitor experience.

A meticulously crafted narrative intertwines hidden treasures from historical archives with captivating footage from the Isle of Arran. Drawing on the primal forces of fire, water, and wind, the projection illuminated the space, its mesmerising glow dancing across the wooden floor beneath the audience’s feet.

Our Role
Immersive Film Production
Projection Artists

A group of men in kilts watch an immersive brand storytelling experience as part of the LAGG Distillery visitor experience.

An immersive storytelling experience at LAGG Distillery

Experiential design meets immersive projection at LAGG Distillery, where history and heritage were brought to life with captivating storytelling. The immersive projection was enhanced with quadrophonic sound, the raw symphony of the sea enveloped the distillery, immersing viewers in the captivating saga of Arran Waters, the daring whisky smugglers, and the shadowy world of illicit stills.

A group enjoy whisky while watching an immersive brand storytelling projection, produced for the LAGG Distillery by Bright Side Studios.


LAGG Distillery

Exhibition and Interior design
Bright 3D

Immersive Film Production
Bright Side Studios

Callum Easter